
Trainings, Workshops, and Events

Trainings and Workshops

Curricular accessibility training sessions and workshops are posted on the BOLT workshops page. Trainings cover how to create accessible documents and PowerPoint presentations, Blackboard Ally, and more. 

Self-service digital accessibility trainings are available through through Siteimprove and Linkedin Learning; these programs are listed on the Digital Accessibility page.

Painful Histories event poster

Annual Lecture in Disability Studies and Accessibility

February 18, 2022
Travis Chi Wing Lau, "Painful Histories: Theorizing Pain and Disability"

How do we make sense of our encounters with disability in the past, especially as scholars who identify as disabled? Through an overview of my developing project on the literary and cultural history of chronic pain in Britain during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, I will consider the stakes of recovering historical cripistemologies or disabled ways of knowing that shaped and sustained disabled life in the past. How do these cripistemologies reconfigure what we think we know about chronic pain as it is medicalized now? How does a more historicized disability theory help us intervene in current issues like the opioid crisis? This talk will also meditate on the intersections among my literary historical research, my lived experience with scoliosis-related disabilities, and my creative practice as a crip poet.

TRAVIS CHI WING LAU (he/him/his) is Assistant Professor of English at Kenyon College. His research and teaching focus on eighteenth- and nineteenth- century British literature and culture, health humanities, and disability studies.

February 26, 2021 

October 21, 2019

February 22, 2018

Recent Events

Disabled Persons Day 2021

December 2, 2021

7:30–8:30 p.m.

December 3, 2021

Smith Union Table with Assistive Technology demonstrations — and stickers! (All day)

Baldwin Center for Learning and Teaching Workshop
2:00–3:00 p.m.

Sills – Smith Auditorium,
7:00–9:00 p.m.

December 4, 2021

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

April 22, 2021
Relationships and Disability with Squirmy and Grubbs

March 11, 2021

Jennifer Row, “The Body Perfect: The Aesthetics of Ableism and Race in the Early Francophone World”

March 25, 2019
Roxanne Baker, "The Promised Hands: Coming Home to Jewish and Deaf Roots"