
Providing Legal Representation Throughout Alaska

By Rohan Rosen ‘26​
Navigating the legal process in Alaska
Rohan works at their desk in the office.

The APDA’s laudable mission statement is “To provide constitutionally mandated legal representation to indigent clients appointed by the court.” An organization dedicated to providing government-sponsored aid in the legal realm.

My most prominent case was investigative data collection for an extensive CINA (Child in Need of Aid) case. A meticulous and cogent process spanning over 2000 pages of court-related documents, gathering specific information for a defense attorney working in Juneau!

I learned that my capabilities surpassed my expectations! Handling private documents and completing very important tasks with expeditious deadlines feels like less of a burden and more like a fun challenge I can confidently execute! Initially, I displayed some stolidity in pursuing law as a career path, but this internship has solidified my passion for public speaking and extensive research. Now, without hesitation, I can say the law is the right path for me! My favorite parts were Interacting with the wonderful attorney, paralegal, and law office assistant staff! It was incredible to see how much teamwork is involved in an effective law practice.

Internship funded by the CXD​ Funded Experiences and Skills.