
Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence

In unusual circumstances, the dean of students or their designee, in consultation with Hhealth Sservices and/or Ccounseling and Wwellness Sservices professionals, may determine that a student needs to be placed on an involuntary medical leave. Any such determination shall be made only after an individualized assessment of the student’s circumstances and will be promptly conveyed in writing to the student.

A determination of an involuntary leave will be based upon an individualized assessment by a healthcare provider, reflecting reasonable judgment that relies on current medical knowledge or on the best available objective evidence. The decision will reflect consideration of a number of factors, including the student’s ability to safely participate in the College’s programs, inclusive of the student’s ability to carry out substantial self-care obligations, and will examine whether the student is otherwise qualified, with or without reasonable accommodation, to effectively participate in College programs and activities as a member of the College community. 

Any student whose situation falls within the following categories may be subject to involuntary leave of absence: 

  • presents a substantial risk of harm to self or others or is failing to carry out substantial self-care obligations; or 
  • significantly disrupts the educational or other activities of the College community; or 
  • is unable to participate meaningfully in educational activities; or 
  • requires a level of care from the College community that exceeds the resources and staffing that the College can reasonably be expected to provide for the student’s well-being. 

The assessment may also include the possible impact of the student on the campus community; the nature, duration, and severity of any risk posed; the probability that a potential harm (to self or to others) will occur; and whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices, or procedures could sufficiently mitigate any such risk. In particularly urgent situations, the College may require the student to leave campus on an interim basis while the required assessment is conducted. The assessment will be made, at a minimum, by the Director of Health Services and/or the Director of Counseling Services, or their designee(s). Whenever possible, the student’s external healthcare provider will also be consulted. For purposes of this assessment, the student’s external healthcare provider may not be a family member of the student. 

If a student believes that the College’s decision to place them on an involuntary medical leave is unreasonable or that the procedures and/or information relied upon in making the decision were wrong or unfair, the student may appeal the decision. Once notified of the involuntary medical leave, the student has five (5) business days to submit their appeal. 

The appeal must be made in writing to the Dean of Students (or their designee). Appeals should clearly state the specific grounds for appeal and should present relevant information to support the statements including medical/clinical evidence in support of their position. In such situations, the student may be required to sign a limited release to enable the Dean of Students or their designee to consult with the student’s health care provider about the student’s condition, the involuntary leave decision and/or conditions placed upon the student’s return. The Dean of Students or their designee will respond in writing to the student’s written appeal within five (5) business days. The response will be based upon a thorough review of the relevant facts and information and include a final determination as to whether or not the involuntary medical leave is appropriate and necessary. The Dean of Students reserves the right to request an assessment by an outside medical provider of the College’s choice and at the College’s expense when it is believed that the information available to the College so warrants. In such instances, a delay in the resolution of the appeal may be necessary. 

The student may not remain on campus during the appeal period. If no timely appeal is submitted, the decision about the involuntary medical leave and any conditions imposed are final.