
Margaret Boyle’s “Sabor Judío” Book Award Finalist

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Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures Margaret Boyle’s (University of North Carolina Press, 2024), coauthored by Amherst professor Ilan Stavans, was named a Jewish Book Award finalist for the Jane and Stu­art Weitzman Fam­i­ly Award in the food writing and cookbooks category.

"Sabor Judio" cover image

The award follows a flurry of media attention in December, when Boyle’s book was mentioned in the , , , and the .

The category winner is Jor­dan D. Rosenblum’s For­bid­den: A 3,000-Year His­to­ry of Jews and the Pig (NYU Press, 2024); Boyle’s co-finalist is The Jew­ish Hol­i­day Table (Artisan, 2024) by Naama She­fi and the Jew­ish Food Society.

The Jewish Book Council’s awards were announced January 22, 2025; the authors and their books will be honored in New York City at the 74th National Jewish Book Awards Celebration in March.

Read more about Sabor Judío here and .