
Religious Holiday Policy

Per college policy, no student is required to take an examination or fulfill any other scheduled course requirements on recognized major religious holidays. Students are expected to declare their intention to observe religious holidays at the beginning of the semester.

Please make it clear to your students what your policy is about the potential conflicts between course requirements and religious holidays. They should be made aware of any make-up options in your courses. Please note that Jewish holidays require the cessation of work for the entire day, not simply during the time when services are held.

The academic calendar lists some religious holidays which fall during the academic year. The College encourages instructors to avoid scheduling examinations on these days.

Please see the holiday section towards the bottom of the  for a definitive list.

Please be aware of the following:

As a multicultural community, our diverse student body comes from a variety of religious backgrounds who wish to observe important religious holidays. While it is not feasible to schedule coursework around all religious holidays for a class as a whole, requests from individual students to reschedule assignments and to be absent from classes that conflict with observances of major religious holidays must be honored.

Other Holidays:

Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving vacation begins at 8:00 a.m. on Wed., November 27.