
Components of a Successful Performance Review

  1. Prepare the employee
    1. Ask for a self-evaluation
    2. Discuss the use of the multi-rater tool (if you are using it)
  2.  Prepare yourself as the manager
    1. Begin with the end in mind
    2. Ascertain that the job description is current
    3. Review any supporting documentation
    4. Read the self-evaluation
    5. Determine your core message
    6. Focus on job related skills and behaviors
    7. Use SMART goals
    8. Be consistent
  3. The Conversation
    1. Make time and be present
    2. Avoid trigger words (absolutes like “never” or “always”)
    3. Use fact-based, candid, specific, unemotional communication
    4. Focus on two-way communication
    5. No surprises!!!