
Goal Setting

Supervisors who need assistance in setting goals for performance reviews may contact Human Resources for assistance or use some of these helpful resources.

SMART Goals Questionnaire Checklist

What is the issue to be resolved, the process or practice to be improved? Is there a lack of clarity around expectations? Consider key areas of responsibility and behaviors or skills necessary for success.

Specific: What will the goal accomplish? What is the desired end result? How and why will it be accomplished?

Measurable: How will the goal be measured? What are the observable behaviors or actions steps necessary for success? How will I know when the goal has been accomplished?

Achievable: Does the employee have the skills necessary to achieve the goal? What are the potential road blocks?

Realistic: Are the resources available to accomplish this? If not, what is needed and is it attainable?

Time-defined: Is the goal linked to a timeframe? Is there a hard deadline or is it ongoing? Can progress be monitored? Is there a reasonable sense of urgency to reach the goal?

Pull it all together – the final written goal: Is it stated simply and clearly? Is it S.M.A.R.T.?

Performance Grids

A performance grid is a tool to support the development of clear and meaningful goals as relates to essential functions and offers language that helps clarify expectations. An example is offered using the College Wide Essential Functions. Contact Cassie Christie (cjchris@bowdoin.edu) if you would like to learn more or would like to develop a performance grid for positions within your area.

College Wide Essential Functions