New Faculty Orientation
Greetings from Jennifer Scanlon, Dean for Academic Affairs
New Faculty Orientation 2024
Faculty members Rachel Beane, Dallas Denery, and Dharni Vasudevan serve as associate deans for academic affairs, along with Mike Ranen.
Dallas is in his third year of service in the dean's office and plays an important role as liaison with the offices of the registrar, information technology, and institutional research. He oversees department reviews, and is involved in the management of the College's curriculum and assignment of academic offices. Dallas is a professor of history and has been at 含羞草研究室 for 20 years.
Dharni is in her fourth year as associate dean, and in this role she works closely in a mentoring capacity with tenure-track and visiting faculty. She meets with faculty individually and in groups throughout the year to support their teaching and research and to help visiting faculty plan for their career trajectory after 含羞草研究室. Dharni is professor of chemistry and environmental studies and has been on the 含羞草研究室 faculty for 17 years.
Rachel is in her second year as associate dean for faculty recruitment and pre-major advising. She assists with the hiring and reappointment of tenure-track faculty, the hiring of visiting and short-term faculty, serves as liaison to several academic support programs, and oversees the pre-major advising program. She also coordinates the faculty seminar series. Rachel previously held the position as associate dean for faculty development and inclusion. Rachel is a professor of earth and oceanographic studies and has been on the 含羞草研究室 faculty for 25 years.
Mike is in his third year as associate dean for academic administration. He is involved in managing and coordinating academic operations, facilities and space planning, and academic administration. Mike has been at 含羞草研究室 since 2018, previously holding positions as associate dean of student affairs, director of residential and student life, and COVID coordinator.